Custom Graffiti Collection for THQ’s “Homefront”

homefront-throwies-compiledI was commissioned to provide a huge array of authentic but fictional graffiti art for a console game from THQ called “Homefront” . The environments in the game were originally intended to be blanketed in graffiti. This was a large scale project that included hundreds of individual pieces, tags, throwies, stickers, stencils & other “fictional” graffiti objects. I worked in several different media to create full range of all the usual graffiti artifacts that one might find layered & strewn around the city.

Part of the large array of tags create to fit the fiction of the game.

Part of the large array of tags create to fit the complex fiction of the game. I created hundreds of tags, pieces, throwies, stickers, stencils & other graffiti objects for this job so to help make sense of it all I actually created a little fiction of my own creating fictional gangs & crews as I thought they might have evolved from real world gangs & crews in the future world set up in the game. With america under occupation I decided that the northern & southern latino gangs would unite as would the crip & blood factions… I did gang graffiti, protest & political graffiti & straight up traditional pieces & tags. Writers tended to have names that reflected the bad times.